City of Urbana OptOut Electricity Program
Helpful Hints
What is a kWh?
A kilowatt-hour is the standard unit of measurement for electricity. Specifically, a kilowatt-hour is the unit of energy that is expended in one hour by one kilowatt of power. The total number of kilowatt-hours charged to your bill is determined by your electricity use.
What is a Fixed Price?
December 2024 (January 2025 billing) through May 2025 (June 2025 billing) at fixed rate of 8.036¢ per kWh
Thousands of residential electricity customers are powering their homes more easily with Constellation through fixed price agreements. Some of the benefits include long-term price protection against rate volatility and the ability to more easily budget and estimate costs based on your usage.
If I change my mind, what can I do to opt back in to this offer?
If you have not completed the opt-out process by mail, fax, phone or online then you don’t have to do anything.
If you have completed the opt-out process, please call 833-287-6929.
Why did I receive an offer to automatically enroll with Constellation?
The voters in City of Urbana authorized the community's creation of an Aggregation program Eligible community residents and small businesses who are customers in the utility areas that we serve will be automatically enrolled in this program unless they opt-out. All customers should review the program details including applicable Terms & Conditions to make sure this choice is best for them.
Who is Constellation and where is the company headquartered?
Constellation is a leading competitive retail supplier of power, natural gas and energy products and services for homes and businesses across the continental United States. Constellation's family of retail businesses serves more than 2.5 million residential, public sector and business customers, including more than two-thirds of the Fortune 100. Learn more at or on Twitter at @ConstellationEG.
What will change if I decide not to opt-out?
Constellation will provide:
- Exclusive energy supply rate for your community.
- Reliable supply from one of the largest energy suppliers in the country.
- Price protection from supply volatility (applies to fixed rates only) during the term of the Program.
- Customer Service toll free number dedicated to your community’s Program.
- Hassle-free switching – no service interruption, no sign up fees from Constellation.
Your local utility will continue to:
- Transmit and deliver electricity to your home.
- Respond to outage and emergency situations.
- Provide equal service to all customers regardless of the energy supplier used.
- Read your meter each month.
- Bill you the same way as they do today.
Contact Us
Do you have a concern, question or comment? Contact us, we can help:
By Phone:
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